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Latest Offers

Here at Group 1 Assured Lincoln we've tailored a list of fantastic offers that simply can't be missed! From buying your next car to booking your next service, we're here to help move things along without breaking the bank. Check out our latest offers below and get in touch for more details.

  • Can't Find what your looking for?

    We carry on average around 50 vehicles on site at anyone time which does by by itself give you a great choice, But if we don't have that perfect vehicle please let us know. We are members of some of the largest buying groups in the country giving us access to well over 10,000 vehicle's just at the click of a button.
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  • Recommend A Friend Or Family Member

    If we don't have something for you or the timings not quite right, why not recommend one of our vehicles to one your friend or family members. If they do buy a vehicle from us we will reward you with £50.00. T&C's are simple, they must not have bought a vehicle from us before and they must be referred through via this link before they purchase the vehicle.
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